8.44. Multiple Buffer Matching
Suricata 7 and newer now supports matching contents in multiple buffers within the same transaction.
For example a single DNS transaction that has two queries in it:
query 1: example.net query 2: something.com
Example rule:
alert dns $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"DNS Multiple Question Example Rule"; dns.query; content:"example"; dns.query; content:".com"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:1; rev:1;)
Within the single DNS query transaction, there are two queries and Suricata will set up two instances of a dns.query buffer.
The first dns.query
buffer will look for content:"example";
The second dns.query
buffer will look for content:".com";
The example rule will alert on the example query since all the content matches are satisfied for the rule.
For matching multiple headers in HTTP2 traffic a rule using the new functionality would look like:
alert http2 any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP2 Multiple Header Buffer Example"; flow:established,to_server; http.request_header; content:"method|3a 20|GET"; http.request_header; content:"authority|3a 20|example.com"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:1; rev:1;)
With HTTP2 there are multiple headers seen in the same flow record. We now have a way to write a rule in a more efficient way using the multiple buffer capability.
Note Existing behavior when using sticky buffers still applies:
Example rule:
alert dns $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"DNS Query Sticky Buffer Classic Example Rule"; dns.query; content:"example"; content:".net"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:1; rev:1;)
The above rule will alert on a single dns query containing
"example.net" or "example.domain.net" since the rule content
matches are within a single dns.query
buffer and all
content match requirements of the rule are met.
Note: This is new behavior. In versions of Suricata prior to version 7 multiple statements of the same sticky buffer did not make a second instance of the buffer. For example:
dns.query; content:"example"; dns.query; content:".com";
would be equivalent to:
dns.query; content:"example"; content:".com";
Using our example from above, the first query is for example.net which matches content:"example"; but does not match content:".com";
The second query is for something.com which would match on the content:".com"; but not the content:"example";
So with the Suricata behavior prior to Suricata 7, the signature would not fire in this case since both content conditions will not be met.
Multiple buffer matching is currently enabled for use with the following keywords: