8.24. Kerberos Keywords

8.24.1. krb5_msg_type

This keyword allows to match the Kerberos messages by its type (integer). It is possible to specify the following values defined in RFC4120:

  • 10 (AS-REQ)

  • 11 (AS-REP)

  • 12 (TGS-REQ)

  • 13 (TGS-REP)

  • 30 (ERROR)



Signature examples:

alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 AS-REQ message"; krb5_msg_type:10; sid:3; rev:1;)
alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 AS-REP message"; krb5_msg_type:11; sid:4; rev:1;)
alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 TGS-REQ message"; krb5_msg_type:12; sid:5; rev:1;)
alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 TGS-REP message"; krb5_msg_type:13; sid:6; rev:1;)
alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 ERROR message"; krb5_msg_type:30; sid:7; rev:1;)


AP-REQ and AP-REP are not currently supported since those messages are embedded in other application protocols.

8.24.2. krb5_cname

Kerberos client name, provided in the ticket (for AS-REQ and TGS-REQ messages).

If the client name from the Kerberos message is composed of several parts, the name is compared to each part and the match will succeed if any is identical.

Comparison is case-sensitive.


krb5_cname; content:"name";

Signature example:

alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 des server name"; krb5_cname; content:"des"; sid:4; rev:1;)

krb5_cname is a 'sticky buffer'.

krb5_cname can be used as fast_pattern.

krb5.cname supports multiple buffer matching, see Multiple Buffer Matching.

8.24.3. krb5_sname

Kerberos server name, provided in the ticket (for AS-REQ and TGS-REQ messages) or in the error message.

If the server name from the Kerberos message is composed of several parts, the name is compared to each part and the match will succeed if any is identical.

Comparison is case-sensitive.


krb5_sname; content:"name";

Signature example:

alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 krbtgt server name"; krb5_sname; content:"krbtgt"; sid:5; rev:1;)

krb5_sname is a 'sticky buffer'.

krb5_sname can be used as fast_pattern.

krb5.sname supports multiple buffer matching, see Multiple Buffer Matching.

8.24.4. krb5_err_code

Kerberos error code (integer). This field is matched in Kerberos error messages only.

For a list of error codes, refer to RFC4120 section 7.5.9.



Signature example:

alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"Kerberos 5 error C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN"; krb5_err_code:6; sid:6; rev:1;)

8.24.5. krb5.weak_encryption (event)

Event raised if the encryption parameters selected by the server are weak or deprecated. For example, using a key size smaller than 128, or using deprecated ciphers like DES.



Signature example:

alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"SURICATA Kerberos 5 weak encryption parameters"; flow:to_client; app-layer-event:krb5.weak_encryption; classtype:protocol-command-decode; sid:2226001; rev:1;)

8.24.6. krb5.malformed_data (event)

Event raised in case of a protocol decoding error.



Signature example:

alert krb5 any any -> any any (msg:"SURICATA Kerberos 5 malformed request data"; flow:to_server; app-layer-event:krb5.malformed_data; classtype:protocol-command-decode; sid:2226000; rev:1;)

8.24.7. krb5.ticket_encryption

Kerberos ticket encryption (enumeration).

For a list of encryption types, refer to RFC3961 section 8.


krb5.ticket_encryption: (!)"weak" or (space or comma)-separated list of integer or string values for an encryption type

Signature example:

alert krb5 any any -> any any (krb5.ticket_encryption: weak; sid:1;)
alert krb5 any any -> any any (krb5.ticket_encryption: 23; sid:2;)
alert krb5 any any -> any any (krb5.ticket_encryption: rc4-hmac,rc4-hmac-exp; sid:3;)