8.13. File Keywords

Suricata comes with several rule keywords to match on various file properties. They depend on properly configured File Extraction.

8.13.1. file.data

The file.data sticky buffer matches on contents of files that are seen in flows that Suricata evaluates. The various payload keywords can be used (e.g. startswith, nocase and bsize) with file.data.


 alert smtp any any -> any any (msg:"smtp app layer file.data example"; \
file.data; content:"example file content"; sid:1; rev:1)

 alert http any any -> any any (msg:"http app layer file.data example"; \
file.data; content:"example file content"; sid:2; rev:1)

 alert http2 any any -> any any (msg:"http2 app layer file.data example"; \
file.data; content:"example file content"; sid:3; rev:1;)

 alert nfs any any -> any any (msg:"nfs app layer file.data example"; \
file.data; content:" "; sid:5; rev:1)

 alert ftp-data any any -> any any (msg:"ftp app layer file.data example"; \
file.data; content:"example file content"; sid:6; rev:1;)

 alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"tcp file.data example"; \
file.data; content:"example file content"; sid:4; rev:1)

Note file_data is the legacy notation but can still be used.

8.13.2. file.name

file.name is a sticky buffer that is used to look at filenames that are seen in flows that Suricata evaluates. The various payload keywords can be used (e.g. startswith, nocase and bsize) with file.name.


file.name; content:"examplefilename";

file.name supports multiple buffer matching, see Multiple Buffer Matching.

Note filename can still be used. A notable difference between file.name and filename is that filename assumes nocase by default. In the example below the two signatures are considered the same.



file.name; content:"examplefilename"; nocase;

8.13.3. fileext

fileext is used to look at individual file extensions that are seen in flows that Suricata evaluates.



Note: fileext does not allow partial matches. For example, if a PDF file (.pdf) is seen by a Suricata signature with fileext:"pd"; the signature will not produce an alert.

Note: fileext assumes nocase by default. This means that a file with the extension .PDF will be seen the same as if the file had an extension of .pdf.

Note: fileext and file.name can both be used to match on file extensions. In the example below the two signatures are considered the same.



file.name; content:".pdf"; nocase; endswith;

Note: While``fileeext`` and file.name can both be used to match on file extensions, file.name allows for partial matching on file extensions. The following would match on a file with the extension of .pd as well as .pdf.


file.name; content:".pd";

8.13.4. file.magic

Matches on the information libmagic returns about a file.


file.magic; content:"executable for MS Windows";

Note filemagic can still be used. The only difference between file.magic and file.magic is that filemagic assumes nocase by default. In the example below the two signatures are considered the same.


filemagic:"executable for MS Windows";

file.magic; content:"executable for MS Windows"; nocase;

Note: Suricata currently uses its underlying operating systems version/implementation of libmagic. Different versions and implementations of libmagic do not return the same information. Additionally there are varying Suricata performance impacts based on the version and implementation of libmagic. Additional information about Suricata and libmagic can be found here: https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/437

file.magic supports multiple buffer matching, see Multiple Buffer Matching.

8.13.5. filestore

Stores files to disk if the signature matched.



direction can be:

  • request/to_server: store a file in the request / to_server direction

  • response/to_client: store a file in the response / to_client direction

  • both: store both directions

scope can be:

  • file: only store the matching file (for filename,fileext,filemagic matches)

  • tx: store all files from the matching HTTP transaction

  • ssn/flow: store all files from the TCP session/flow.

If direction and scope are omitted, the direction will be the same as the rule and the scope will be per file.

8.13.6. filemd5

Match file MD5 against list of MD5 checksums.



The filename is expanded to include the rule dir. In the default case it will become /etc/suricata/rules/filename. Use the exclamation mark to get a negated match. This allows for white listing.



File format

The file format is simple. It's a text file with a single md5 per line, at the start of the line, in hex notation. If there is extra info on the line it is ignored.

Output from md5sum is fine:

2f8d0355f0032c3e6311c6408d7c2dc2  util-path.c
b9cf5cf347a70e02fde975fc4e117760  util-pidfile.c
02aaa6c3f4dbae65f5889eeb8f2bbb8d  util-pool.c
dd5fc1ee7f2f96b5f12d1a854007a818  util-print.c

Just MD5's are good as well:


Memory requirements

Each MD5 uses 16 bytes of memory. 20 Million MD5's use about 310 MiB of memory.

See also: https://blog.inliniac.net/2012/06/09/suricata-md5-blacklisting/

8.13.7. filesha1

Match file SHA1 against list of SHA1 checksums.



The filename is expanded to include the rule dir. In the default case it will become /etc/suricata/rules/filename. Use the exclamation mark to get a negated match. This allows for white listing.



File format

Same as md5 file format.

8.13.8. filesha256

Match file SHA256 against list of SHA256 checksums.



The filename is expanded to include the rule dir. In the default case it will become /etc/suricata/rules/filename. Use the exclamation mark to get a negated match. This allows for white listing.



File format

Same as md5 file format.

8.13.9. filesize

Match on the size of the file as it is being transferred.



Possible units are KB, MB and GB, without any unit the default is bytes.


filesize:100; # exactly 100 bytes
filesize:100<>200; # greater than 100 and smaller than 200
filesize:>100MB; # greater than 100 megabytes
filesize:<100MB; # smaller than 100 megabytes

Note: For files that are not completely tracked because of packet loss or stream.reassembly.depth being reached on the "greater than" is checked. This is because Suricata can know a file is bigger than a value (it has seen some of it already), but it can't know if the final size would have been within a range, an exact value or smaller than a value.