11.4. Hyperscan
11.4.1. Introduction
"Hyperscan is a high performance regular expression matching library (...)" (https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/introduction-to-hyperscan.html)
In Suricata it can be used to perform multi pattern matching (mpm) or single pattern matching (spm).
Support for hyperscan in Suricata was initially implemented by Justin Viiret and Jim Xu from Intel via https://github.com/OISF/suricata/pull/1965.
Hyperscan is only for Intel x86 based processor architectures at this time. For ARM processors, vectorscan is a drop in replacement for hyperscan, https://github.com/VectorCamp/vectorscan.
11.4.2. Basic Installation (Package)
Some Linux distributions include hyperscan in their respective package collections.
Fedora 37+/Centos 8+: sudo dnf install hyperscan-devel Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install libhyperscan-dev
11.4.3. Advanced Installation (Source)
Hyperscan has the following dependencies in order to build from source:
boost development libraries (minimum boost library version is 1.58)
C++ compiler (e.g. gcc-c++)
libpcap development libraries
pcre2 development libraries
sqlite development libraries
Note: git is an additional dependency if cloning the hyperscan GitHub repository. Otherwise downloading the hyperscan zip from the GitHub repository will work too.
The steps to build and install hyperscan are:
git clone https://github.com/intel/hyperscan
cd hyperscan
cmake --build ./
sudo cmake --install ./
Note: Hyperscan can take a a long time to build/compile.
Note: It may be necessary to add /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64 to the ld search path. Typically this is done by adding a file under /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ with the contents of the directory location of libhs.so.5 (for hyperscan 5.x).
11.4.4. Using Hyperscan
Confirm that the suricata version installed has hyperscan enabled.
suricata --build-info | grep Hyperscan
Hyperscan support: yes
To use hyperscan support, edit the suricata.yaml. Change the mpm-algo and spm-algo values to 'hs'.
Alternatively, use this command-line option: --set mpm-algo=hs --set spm-algo=hs
Note: The default suricata.yaml configuration settings for mpm-algo and spm-algo are "auto". Suricata will use hyperscan if it is present on the system in case of the "auto" setting.
If the current suricata installation does not have hyperscan support, refer to Installation