25. Acknowledgements
Thank you to the following for their Wiki and documentation contributions that have made this user guide possible:
Andreas Herz
Andreas Moe
Anne-Fleur Koolstra
Christophe Vandeplas
Darren Spruell
David Cannings
David Diallo
David Wharton
Eric Leblond
god lol
Haris Haq
Ignacio Sanchez
Jason Ish
Jason Taylor
Josh Smith
Juliana Fajardini
Ken Steele
Les Syv
Lukas Sismis
Mark Solaris
Martin Holste
Mats Klepsland
Matt Jonkman
Michael Bentley
Michael Hrishenko
Nathan Jimerson
Nicolas Merle
Peter Manev
Philipp Buehler
Philippe Antoine
Ralph Broenink
Rob MacGregor
Russel Fulton
Shivani Bhardwaj
Victor Julien
Vincent Fang
Zach Rasmor